Find what you're looking for on the horse genetics website. Home Page
![]() Latest changes and additions to the site |
![]() What is horse genetics? |
![]() Essential Equine Genetics |
![]() Principles of
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red factor test![]() Anterior Segment Dysgenesis |
horse color genetics![]() melanin research |
Quarter Horse colors![]() about horse conformation |
Horse Genetics Guide![]() references and further reading |
horse breeding![]() horse reproduction |
Study Guides![]() foal care |
lethal white overo![]() genetic health and fitness |
Impressive![]() HYPP |
horse breed articles![]() horse breeds |
Articles For Newletters![]() how and why this website was done |
NEW! submit a page about your horse website![]() About the authorof this website |
NEW! horse links page![]() how to create a business website that works |
Please note that many pages, probably most of them, have links to further pages related to their main topic. So, for example, the appaloosa page has links to other pages about different patterns, while the palomino page has a link to a page on breeding palominos and the champagne page has links to pages on the various colors of champagne.
The essential horse genetics page covers various aspects of basic genetics including about genes, alleles, chromosomes, Mendelian inheritance for one and two characters and modified ratios, partial dominance, co-dominance, lethal alleles, epistasis, genetic linkage, partial linkage (example) and sex-linkage. There is also a section with horse genetics references and further reading. Happy reading! ![]() 1. I can only give permission for articles to be used if they are written by myself, obviously. Where another author has written an article I can not give permission for its use. 2. You must reference acknowledge myself (Dr. Glynis Giddings) and this website, 3. You can use photos if, AND ONLY IF, they are clearly belonging to myself and you say so. Other contributors have given their photos willingly, but you will have to get permission from them before using their photos. Thank you. To submit horse website links, with a summary, follow the link. There's also the option to add a page to this site, about your own. To see what others have submitted follow the link to the horse links page. Thank you for visiting the horse genetics web site. Visit the blog to keep up to date with changes and additions to the website. Thanks also to all those kind people who helped by providing photos, and to those others who helped with their thoughts and ideas during the monumentous task of building Happy reading, I hope you find what you’re looking for. |